Modern Slavery Statement

Draper Tools Limited (trading as BUNKER) is committed to driving out acts of modern slavery from the workplace throughout our supply chain. We acknowledge our responsibilities under the modern slavery act 2015 and will ensure transparency within the company and our suppliers.

Draper Tools Limited (trading as BUNKER) is a family-owned business that imports and distributes a range of modular storage, roller tool cabinets and accessories. 

1. The Company is committed to driving acts of modern slavery out of the workplace. We acknowledge our responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to implement and enforce effective controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking does not exist within our Company or its supply chain. Our processes will ensure transparency within the Company and our Suppliers.

2. Within the supply chain process, it is important that our staff establish strong working relationships with the Suppliers of these products. As part of our due diligence, we have a programme of auditing factories manufacturing our products. This audit programme has been enhanced to improve the monitoring of issues associated with modern day slavery as well as other social and ethical issues.

3. The Company operates a fair recruitment process which includes checks on all new employees and temporary staff to ensure they are eligible to work and are not being forced to work against their own free will.

4. We expect that our supply chain contacts will respect our stance on modern slavery and will act in the same ethical manner. The Company will not support or deal with any business knowingly involved in slavery or human trafficking.

5. The Company Directors take the responsibility for implementing this policy seriously and shall provide adequate resources and investment to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within the organisation or our supply chain.

6. As part of our commitments to tackling modern slavery, The Company will be continuing to focus on providing staff with appropriate training, so that they are aware of issues surrounding modern slavery and what to do if they suspect it is taking place.

7. This policy statement will be reviewed, amended as necessary and published annually